Raise Your Game, Part 1
the past few years, as I completed a manual therapy fellowship, I have been
much more involved with the PT community online. I have seen many blogs and
tweets in social media promoting physical therapy with the #GetPT1st hashtag
and giving testimonials on patient outcomes. I think these efforts are valuable
and should continue. I have also seen many online posts encouraging PTs to
promote our profession’s worth to the general public, referral sources, and to
insurance companies.
Thrust joint manipulation the last resort in your toolbox? 3 Reasons It Shouldn’t Be
Reason #1 – It works. For some, it works very powerfully.
I am the first person to tell you that thrust joint manipulation (TJM) does not work for everyone because I do it daily in clinical practice. Anecdotally, it is more common that TJM fails to improve symptoms when joint cavitation (popping) is not elicited from the treatment area. But good manipulative technique and focused cavitation can be life-changing for many orthopedic issues, as evidenced by RCTs that demonstrate significant improvements for LBP, headaches, neck pain, etc.
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